
Shear and beading machine model RD 3800 R

Designed for the cutting and beading of flat, rounded and rolled multicentre stainless steel heads.
The machine usually trims the moulded head and then performs the external beading of the piece. The piece to be manufactured can be fixed in the machine with special clamping devices through vacuum without drilling the stainless steel heads (or through bolts).
The working system is based on copying a simple template (cut laser or plasma sheet). It can also work on circular stainless steel heads.
The perfect parallelism of the surfaces, excellent superficial finishing and absolute repeatability of the pieces, make this machine an indispensable complement for the operators in the field of tank vehicles. 
Max diagonal / diameter (mm) 3800
Max thickness R. 400 N / mm2 6
Max flanging height (mm) ~90
Cutting speed (mt / min) 0 ÷ 30
Flanging speed (mt / min) 0 ÷ 20


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